SuperStamp App

Digital Loyalty Cards, Buy 1 Get 1 & Discount

A Digital Stamp Card Loyalty App! Loyalty cards made digital, So you do not have to carry them into your pocket all the time. Add unlimited loyalty cards into the app, get stamped and redeem rewards.


A Unique Digital Loyalty Card App in U.A.E

The Super Stamp app gives you access to digital stamp cards for your favorite independent businesses and keeps them all in one place, never to be lost again.

  • As simple as paper cards.
  • Download in the 60s and just stamp.
  • Non-invasive signup. Just app customers enjoy using.
  • Built-in fraud protection
  • One app is used by thousands of customers every day.

Buy 1 Get 1 Features

SuperStamp's features are designed to help you improve your time management skills and become a better organized person. Organize your tasks, schedule your appointments and meet your personal development goals with SuperStamp

  • Goal Setting

    Like any self improving process, everything starts with setting your goals and committing to them

  • Situation Analysis

    SuperStamp provides a well designed and ergonomic visual editor for you to edit your quick notes

  • Tasks Settings

    Each option packaged in the app's menus is provided in order to improve you personally

  • Social Interaction

    Schedule your appointments, meetings and periodical evaluations using the tools

  • Get Things Done

    Reading focus mode for long form articles, ebooks and other materials with long text

  • Good Foundation

    Get a solid foundation for your self development efforts. Try SuperStamp mobile app for devices

Our Partners




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AED 19 Only!

UAE Package for AED 59 Only

Annual Membership

Get instant access to our famousBuy 1 Get 1 and Discount Offers for 12 months.

Full Access to B1G1 & Discounts:

  • Food & Beverage
  • Food & Beverage
  • Food & Beverage
  • Food & Beverage

You can refresh all vouchers at anytime during your subscription for AED 19 Only!

Buy 1 Get 1
Buy 1 Get 1
Welcome Rewards
Welcome Reward
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Scratch Card
Scratch Card
Spin the Wheel
Spin the Wheel
Roll a Dice
Roll a Dice
Barcode Cards
Barcode Cards
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Do you feel like you're wasting time with small stuff instead of working towards your goals? Start using SuperStamp to organize your time and get a grip on your personal development.